Being balanced | Link | Episode 024


There was a time when I would be absolutely ashamed of what I am doing.

Or maybe I should say how little I am doing. Producing only one video every week! And they could be so much better...

What about all the other things I could/should be doing?

But now, I feel GREAT about what I'm doing... because I have a pregnant wife, a demanding toddler, and an even more demanding career. 


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When Should I Quit My Job | Voltron | Episode 023

business career voltron Mar 08, 2018

 I used to go into work everyday and just DREADED IT.

Then I'd come home and complain to my wife about it too.

I kinda liked my work, but I wasn't totally ready to move on. What to do?

Eventually I took some steps that led me to where I am today...

But how do you know when the time is right for you to quit your job? Are there any signs?

If you've been asking yourself "when should I quit my...

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How to change limiting beliefs | Harry Potter | Episode 022

 So I was talking to a client the other day...

He asked me this super interesting question: "What keeps most people from reaching their aspirations?"

I had to think about it for a second, but it was pretty obvious.

The answer is... themselves!

People have these limiting beliefs - ideas of what is possible for themselves. And like Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or...

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Making Sacrifices for Success | Fullmetal Alchemist | Episode 021


How many sacrifices have you made to get to where you are?

And how many more are you unwilling to make to get to where you haven't been able to go?

But wait, what if you could have both? What if the way to success is actually by refusing to sacrifice or comprise?

Every day, you're faced with dozens of opportunities to make tradeoffs.

When you make those decisions, do you choose what...

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Prioritization Techniques - How to Prioritize Like a Boss | Black Panther | Episode 20

I've never spoken openly about this before, but there was a time in my life where I was trying to start a business, and I failed miserably.

I poured countless hours and thousands of dollars into it, but no matter what I did, I couldn't get it going.

I felt terrible... like I just didn't have it in me to make this thing work.

But through working with my coach, I realized, the main reason why I...

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A simple trick to discover WHO you really are | The Penguin | Episode 019


When I was an engineer, I constantly felt like a fish out of water.

Don't get me wrong, I was good (heck I even got a patent!), but I felt like my work and my personality and preferences just didn't match up.

After a long and arduous journey, I discovered that I liked building people more than I liked designing things. And that insight has transformed my life.

Do you ever feel out of...

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How to stop giving up | Lord of the Rings | Episode 018

This is an embarrassing admission but I need to share it with you because I think there is a huge lesson to learn here. 

Last week I didn't release a video. I know you were devastated LOL

But it got me thinking...what happened? Why didn't I follow through?

If you've ever given up on your dream, cast it aside, or wonder how to stop giving up then today's episode of the Trailblazer Uprising...

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Advice on Failing | Green Arrow | Episode 017


A couple days ago, my wife sent me a video that Will Smith put out about how you should seek failure. It was his advice on failing.

In it he references John Maxwell's famous quote about failure: "Fail early, fail often, and fail forward."

It sounds cool, but when you actually come to implement it, it's actually quite impractical. You're supposed to try to fail? To love failing?


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How to believe in yourself again | Lion King | Episode 016

A common issue I see with people, especially around New Year's is a lack of belief in themselves. Let's see if it applies to you...

You're not self motivated. You feel deflated. You have a dream or a desire, but you never take action on it.

If that's the case, then today's episode of the Trailblazer Uprising show is for you.

In it, I share 5 tips to teach you how to believe in yourself again,...

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How to stick to new year resolutions | Rock Lee | Episode 015


Hey, remember your 2017 resolutions? 

Yeah, neither does everyone else. 

No worries though. Most people don't even stick to their resolutions past the first week of January.

But just imagine what your life would be like if you actually were able to make your resolutions a reality...

If you're like the many people who wonder how to keep new year's resolutions going all year...

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