Unboxing the Peak Design Everyday Backpack

gear unboxing Feb 18, 2019

Ok this is a little meta, but what if I told you that one of your most important pieces of gear was actually the thing you carry all your gear with?

Yep, today we're talking about my new BACKPACK and why I chose it.

It's kinda like the Horadric Cube from Diablo. Such a simple device, but it really adds a lot more space to your inventory  (for all those Mephisto runs).



So if you're wondering which pack to take on your quest and are interested in the Peak Design Everyday Backpack, today's episode is for you.

In it, I share why I chose this backpack and what's coming next.


What backpack can you recommend? 

Let me and the rest of the community know by leaving a comment below!


Until next time!


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