Let's go on an adventure!

coaching vlog Dec 19, 2018


Have you ever had a dream but struggled to achieve it for 1,000,001 reasons?

Me too.

In fact, I've had this dream of starting a business that positively impacts the world for about 8 years. 

And yet, here I am, still an employee.

Now don't get me wrong, my life today FAR exceeds my wildest imaginations of what was possible. I'm SO blessed and SO grateful.

But I know I have more potential... And I want to see it realized before my time is up.

That's where you come in.

I've decided the best way to continue moving forward is to document my journey (and STRUGGLES haha) in the form of a VLOG.

Yep, I want to give you a behind the scenes look at how I'm starting my business, and what it's ACTUALLY like trying to get something off the ground when you have a crazy job, kids, family obligations, marriage, etc. etc.


So, will you support me and hold me accountable? Will you join me on this journey?

Let me know by leaving a comment below!

Let's see what works, together.


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